We Introduce and Murder Many Cool Characters in Episode 203!


Stockholm Syndrome that warms the heart

Stockholm Syndrome that warms the heart

Episode 203 - MMMM #62: Deadpool 2 -plus- Once Upon a Deadpool

We're making up lost ground by reviewing two movies (sorta...?) in this episode of our Merry Marvel Movie March with episode 203, a review of both Deadpool 2 and Once Upon a Deadpool! As Adam mentions, 2018 is our most Marvel filled year on The March yet, and the pandemic doesn't seem to be preventing Disney from releasing movies anymore. Or people from seeing them for that matter! Onward! [That's a Pixar pandemic release, Charlie, not an MCU one. -Adam]

When Adam mentions movie grosses in the episode, he's referring to worldwide grosses (as opposed to domestic, which you can look up yourself here).

Tragically, no supercut of all the Fred Savage scenes from Once Upon a Deadpool is available on YouTube that we can find. But here at least is the part where he talks about Cable!

And here's that Stan Lee scene which doesn't appear on the disc release of Once Upon a Deadpool for whatever reason.

Last updated: November 9, 2021

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