Are we watching a presentation about an octopus, or is an octopus watching a presentation about us...?
Though we know that talking about Overlord Zuck only increases his power, we can't resist discussing the metaverse in episode 204. So what is the metaverse? Don't think of it as a way to distract from how terrible Facebook is, think of it as whatever your heart desires! Which in our case is a virtual interactive space where avatars can listen to cassette tapes of our podcast episodes. (Most can be contained on one double-sided cassette!)
It's fun to imagine Zucker-borg as a poorly programmed android, or perhaps a lizard person. However, we think it's even MORE fun when you realize he's just the most awkward human being in the world.
Oh yeah, this job posting was real. We like to imagine an "unplanned visit" by your boss as one where they wander blindly into your home by accident, and profusely apologize for the inconvenience.
Last updated: November 22, 2021