We Guide Humanity Towards Its Demise in Episode 253!


Don't worry - some of them will disappear and this will become manageable

Don't worry - some of them will disappear and this will become manageable

Episode 253 - MMMM #75: Eternals

For all you Marvel fans, don't worry - we're back with another episode in our Merry Marvel Movie March. This time, we review the 2021 film Eternals! Was it as bad as reviews made it seem? You'll have to listen to find out!

In 100 years (or probably less), when movies are created entirely by AI, our descendants will probably say this sort of stuff. Why Kevin Feige is saying it now is less clear. Unless... is he also AI?

Marvel probably thought their Lizzo reference was future-proof. Joke's on them!

Last updated: October 9, 2023

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