Sometimes it feels like the whole movie looks like this
It just so happens that the episode release schedule allows us to get in three episodes for Merry Marvel Movie March Madness thisWe've hit the middle (nadir?) of Merry Marvel Movie March Madness with our review of the 2016 film X-Men: Apocalypse. But it's maybe not the low point of the X-Men franchise, so we all have that to look forward to in the future. We wouldn't want the post-pandemic world to look too rosy, now would we?
Generally we wouldn't advocate for adding more scenes of teenagers at the mall, but here we might make an exception. See, it's not bad, right?
You missed your chance to be a graduate of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Of course, why you'd want to go to a school that gets attacked or destoyed every few months is beyond us...
But 50 cents off White Castle? Sign us up!
A deal so good, it's expired!
Last updated: March 15, 2021