Tell me again how great you think shields are, I dare you
It's a very special day as Adam cajoles us into celebrating the 57th anniversary of Doctor Who today! Will you watch some classic Doctor Who on Pluto TV to celebrate? Will you listen to some audio stories? Or will you simply hope that Doug comes by holding a TV playing the latest season above his head? The choice is yours!
Despite Adam's best efforts, however, we actually spend most of the episode discussing the 49th installment of our Merry Marvel Movie March, the 2015 film Avengers: Age of Ultron! Sure, it's a sequel to the previous Avengers movie, but what about all the other MCU movies in between? And how does it stack up against the rest of the MCU? Listen to hear what we think!
As Adam mentions, this isn't the last we'll hear of the Marvel Creative Committee, and much like Hydra their deeds are as sinister as they are soul-crushing!
It turns out Doug's disdain for Ultron's plan is more widely held and therefore justifiable.
And maybe we're gonna get a "do Scarlet Witch and Vision copulate?" answer next year?
Last updated: November 23, 2020