OK, we don't have much time... in 2003 you order some takeout that gives you really bad food poisoning. I can't remember the name of the place, but it starts with a "J" I think... Jerry's Pub? Jenna's Pub...? Anyway, it's something like that...
We exhausted ourselves to bring you the newest episode in our Merry Marvel Movie March, our discussion of 2014's X-Men: Days of Future Past. We watched the theatrical cut AND the Rogue Cut in order to be as informed as possible. That's over 270 minutes of X-Men! And that doesn't even count the episode recording (we won't reveal how much material we cut from the episode, but we can assure you it was more than 11 minutes).
Nixon did visit the Lincoln Memorial to talk to protesters, rather than retreating into the White House bunker. However, early press reports described him as an "exhausted and overwrought president engaging students in nonsensical banter". So some comparisons to the current president still hold.
There were references to Cypher, Hate-Monger and House of M in this episode, so here you go! Now Charlie (and maybe also you!) can genuinely understand these references, instead of just pretending!
Last updated: July 20, 2020