The Shy Guys have really updated their look
Our respective stay-at-home orders may have slowed the release of Marvel films, but they haven't slowed our Merry Marvel Movie March! This means we may catch up yet! In that spirit, please listen to episode 163, in which we discuss Thor: The Dark World. I mean, what else have you got to do?
Behind-the-scenes drama was a bit more heightened than usual (though not to Blade: Trinity levels). Natalie Portman was furious over Patty Jenkins' departure, while the erstwhile director herself explains while she chose to leave. And the always plain-spoken Christopher Eccleston did not hold his tongue about his disdain for his hours spent in makeup. (Although he's not the only somewhat disgruntled MCU actor.) And as we mentioned in the episode, it turns out audiences refused to believe Loki died.
Cut from this episode: references to the Adult Swim Show Beef House! If a Tim and Eric multi-cam sitcom sounds appealing to you, you will likely be satisfied.
And finally once again Adam has made a meme for us below, so please credit us if you use it!
March 1 vs. March 31
Last updated: April 27, 2020