Leisure time optimization
seaQuest DSV has always been our passion, but we get a little bit off-topic in episode 152, despite Adam's best efforts. We promise to be more focused next time!
There's a Planet Money episode about beating the lottery that Paul mentions in the episode. Also: this "60 Minutes" episode about a couple who found a flawed lottery game and won millions.
Doug sent us a couple comics relating to Veterans Day restaurant deals, which you can find here and here.
Buying retro games for display-only? DUMB!
Apparently "sticking to sports" means "diving into an uncontrollable tailspin from which you will never recover". RIP Deadspin.
And finally, here's the photo of Darwin that Paul sent us:
This isn't a real dolphin? So disillusioned!
Last updated: November 25, 2019