Stunt to sell a party game, or Paul's front yard?
While we seem to scrape the bottom of the barrel for topics in episode 251, it all comes together, as usual. You should know that we also talked about fraud, probable assassinations, and dessert experimentation... and that's the stuff that got cut!
Man, people in the past sure were dumb and had no idea what was safe, especially for children! Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go set up a TikTok account for my toddler so she can actually make money as an influencer in the coming social media hellscape of the future.
Much like its internet presence, the Holiday Hole disappeared as soon as it arrived.
Pepsi Colachup was briefly available to our Arizona and Michigan contingents. If you missed out, too bad! You can always mix the ingredients yourself at home, which we assume works out perfectly every time.
Last updated: September 11, 2023