Nothing humans love more than classical art and floor-inset lighting, right?
A new year means it's time for a new conceit: episode 233 is the first in our series "Sci-Fi Shuffle", beginning with a special double-length episode all about 2001: A Space Odyssey. Because who doesn't love more movies? But we take a more holistic approach than our Merry Marvel Movie March. There's just two rules: it has to be sci-fi, and the next person chooses whatever sci-fi movie they want! So we'll do the best, and presumably the worst, movies you could hope for. Stay tuned, whenever our episode schedule permits!
Read the most recent Sight and Sound poll for context on this episode, and all those Jeanne Dielman references from previous episodes.
While we couldn't remember the exact details of the 2001 re-release, we can certainly post about it here.
If you'd care to read the original "Sentinel of Eternity" that 2001 is loosely based on, the Internet archive has you covered.
Unmanned pre-Apollo US lunar missions include: the Ranger program, the Lunar Orbiter program, and the Surveyor program.
And finally, Merzbow, Paul's favorite noise maker.
Last updated: January 2, 2023