I'm very serious... about music!
Happy Super Tuesday! That's what we were calling 2/2/22, right? We mean, we've got a whole episode about it so it better not mean anything else!
There is evidence that Doug may have been right in his pronunciation of the "Tal" in Tal Bachman. But Adam was only willing to dive down the rabbit hole so far for answers, so we still rate this as "Inconclusive".
If you're someone who wants your music library to reflect, we dunno, music you actually want to listen to? You can remove "Songs of Innocence" from your iTunes account, but it may involve talking to an actual person. Of course, as we determined in the episode, U2 fans are so lazy they wouldn't go to the trouble!
And as we also discuss in the episode, the Nintendo eShop for Wii U and 3DS is closing. Plan (and spend) accordingly! Also worth noting that it turns out Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice does in fact have DLC; you need to start the game before the option to purchase it shows up on the main menu, however.
Last updated: February 28, 2022