The only known photo of James "Jim" Varney
Whether you celebrated June 17th by relaxing and eating a quintessential New Jersey treat, or reading an SNL skit of your own, I think that we can all say it was a successful Piscopo Day! And here's an episode that records our revelry, as usual!
Alex mentions in the episode that he took part in the "n-1" annual Piscopo celebration. But he did not! It was in fact n-4, but we can see why he may have been so traumatized that he's relived it every year since! This seems consistent with the behavior of the Ghost of Piscopo Past, who is quite the trickster. Hopefully his participation this year won't haunt him!
If you're anything like us, you can never get enough ALF. Enjoy!
Someone made a Criterion Closet playlist for us. It's actually kinda fun to watch sometimes, if you're into that sort of thing! (You can watch Bill Hader be fun or Michael Cera be smug!)
As much as we are loath to promote any news to do with Martin Shkreli, there's the counterbalance of seeing him get more comeuppance that forces us to link to this article.
Last updated: June 22, 2020