We'll teach our own kids about the space race some time in 2043
No special guests this week - just regular old guests Alex Clark and Paul Wilcox. But we do recount this year's June birthday gifts and give Charlie some much needed advice about his progeny, and since Alex is on it's not a question of WHETHER Charlie will sing a song, only how many!
The first expansion of Doctor Who - Time of the Daleks actually came out between the recording and now, so we've dated this episode in an entirely new and unexpected way!
We mention the Chonk Chart in passing; here it is in all its glory in case you haven't seen it!
Charlie was slightly incorrect about the Ice Cream Lick Challenge; the girl who originated it is a minor and thus hasn't been charged yet, but this guy was!
We did a deep dive into Star-Wars-As-a-Silent-Film, but that segment was cut for time and also interest. But here is the fruit of that search, which is definitely worth checking out!
A story about parenting advice, from Adam:
At a child's birthday party one year, the question came up of "when should presents be opened?" To which the mom of the birthday child responded, "That's a controversial topic in the mom community, but I think we're gonna land on the side of doing it after everyone has left" (or words to that effect). And she did! So that meant we waited around with all these terrible "perfect" moms forever and didn't even get the satisfaction of seeing the child's reaction to the gift.
The best part was the year after though. Because that same parent was going to do the same thing again, but this time the kid was old enough to understand what was going on, so she said "screw it" (metaphorically) and just went and started opening presents (especially since she's surrounded by her peers who are also old enough to understand what's going on and don't have weird parents who insist on opening presents in private, so of course that's the point of a birthday party and thus they're egging her on). But because the parent had no plan in place to deal with this, it was pure chaos of gifts being torn open, cards being separated, etc. (Because the child didn't tell her mom she was doing this; she just started doing it.) Fortunately we had presence of mind to pull out a notebook and write stuff down, because the mother basically had an anxiety attack when she found out like halfway through and had to leave the room.
Last updated: July 22, 2019