The beheading bit is definitely part of his tight five set
We're back from a mysterious absence with a new installment in our Merry Marvel Movie March – a review of the 2022 film Thor: Love and Thunder. What caused the time gap? Well, we will say that it's partly due to the cruel vengeance of nature, and partly (mostly) due to Charlie. But he sings some songs in this episode, so all is forgiven... right...?
LOTS of comic references in the show this week, and they are as follows: Knull,Eternity, One Above All and Heroes Reborn.
As we mention in the show, even Chris Hemsworth has regrets about the tone of the movie. And it's not clear whether Chris Hemsworth was actually skipping leg day for this role, but it turns out you can give people crap regardless!
If you too would like to be arm-deep in space spiders, may we suggest Deep Rock Galactic?
Last updated: June 3, 2024