You know, maybe if we want individuality we could mix up the wardrobe a little. Just an idea!
Our Sci-Fi Shuffle continues our "Dark" movie theme with the 1998 film Dark City. Roger Ebert liked it. Like REALLY liked it. And he's not wrong!
We once again recommend you check out Brandon at Random Reviews, especially if you're looking for more Dan Hess The Holiday-related hot takes!
R.I.P. Donald Sutherland. Although his son was in the movie we watched for this episode, he himself has not appeared in the Sci-Fi Shuffle yet. But we suspect it's only a matter of time.
We have a Sci-Fi Shuffle update! Adam went ahead and identified the issue of Dr. Strange in Dark Star. It's Dr. Strange #176, cover date Jan. 1969! Now you can inform all of you friends and family who were, until now, listless without that bit of trivia to tether them to reality.
Last updated: July 1, 2024