We Mourn David Lynch and Our Dwindling Possibilities in Episode 286!


So many missed opportunities...

So many missed opportunities...

Episode 286 - Feelin' Lucky

Even though Charlie sees doors closing in episode 286, Paul thinks that's a good thing. After all, that's less decisions you have to make! Bring on Pandemic 2.0! (Editor's note: we do not endorse bringing on another pandemic.)

The banning of delicious red dye number 3 is the definition of government overreach. But you can draw your own conclusion about the ratification of the ERA.

We think there's a little bit of Luddite in all of us!

But in all seriousness, the passing of David Lynch is truly sad. By all accounts a super nice, generous guy! We make reference to The Straight Story during the episode. And, incidently, Un Chien Andalou and Meshes of the Afternoon, neither of which he was involved in, having not been born yet. He was also not in Corner Gas, but maybe he should have been...?

In case you were curious about Daryl Hannah's "butt hair".

We think we may have linked to Underneath a Steel Sky before [I know this is an error, but I've decided to let Charlie's incredible mistake remain as a monument for all time. -Adam], but it can't hurt to do it again!

Oh yeah, Charlie remembered a Pandemic Purchase! He bought Bill and Ted Face the Music digitally the day it premiered and watched it precisely once. It was fine.

Last updated: January 27, 2025

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